Capisuite Erweiterung
Bei der Umstellung von VBox unter Debian Sarge auf Capisuite unter Etch habe ich schmerzlich die Möglichkeit der individuellen Programmierung der Anrufbeantworter vermisst. Nachdem ich keine verbesserten Files im Web gefunden habe, habe ich auf die schnelle Python gelernt und die fehlende Funktion selbst implementiert.
Individuelle Programmierung
- Die Programme werden fortlaufend (!) nummeriert, beginnend bei prog1
- Das erste Programm prog1 ... progX das match'ed wird verwendet, deshalb ist die Reihenfolge relevant!
- Die Einträge dates und group können als eigene Section definiert werden (siehe holiday, family, friends)
- Die Telefonnummern müssen so definiert sein, wie sie im Logfile (/var/log/capisuite.log) erscheinen, d.h. üblicherweise 0911 12345678 (nicht: +49 (911) 12345678).
Mein Konfig-File /etc/capisuite/answering_machine.conf sieht in etwa wie folgt aus und sollte weitestgehend selbsterklärend sein.
[GLOBAL] audio_dir="/usr/share/capisuite/" voice_user_dir="/var/spool/capisuite/users/" user_audio_files="1" voice_delay="15" announcement="" record_length="60" record_silence_timeout="5" voice_email_from="Anrufbeantworter <>" [priv] voice_numbers="12345678" announcement="" voice_action="MailAndSave" voice_delay="10" record_length="90" voice_email_from="" voice_email="Anrufbeantworter (Priv) <>" pin="1111" # ----- vbox programming: # ----- dates time frame week days file to play delay record group prog1= * 22:00-07:00 * 5 120 family,friends prog2= * * * 15 120 family,friends prog3= * 22:00-07:00 * 5 120 * prog4= * * * 10 120 * [buis] voice_numbers="22233345" announcement="" voice_action="MailAndSave" voice_delay="10" record_length="60" voice_email_from="Anrufbeantworter (Buis) <>" voice_email="" pin="2222" # ----- vbox programming: # ----- dates time frame week days file to play delay record group prog1= * 22:00-07:00 * 5 120 family,friends prog2= * * * 15 120 family,friends prog3= holiday * * 1 90 * prog4= * * SA,SO 1 90 * prog5= * 17-08:29 * 1 90 * prog6= * * * 10 90 * [holiday] Weihnachten=24.12.,25.12.,26.12. Ostern=6.4.2007,9.4.2007,17.5.2007,28.5.2007.,7.6.2007 Sonstige=1.1.,6.1.,1.5.,3.10.,1.11. Birthdays=19.5. [family] Eltern=01234 12345, 0175123456,0172 234567 Oma=123456789 [friends] Karl=12345,017134566789 Peter=0170123456
Erweiterte Scripts
Ich habe die Files
erstellt. Diese müssen in /etc/capisuite/capisuite.conf aktiviert werden.
Folgendes Script compiliert die Python Scripts:
#!/bin/sh PYTHON=python2.3 DIRLIST=" /usr/lib/capisuite " for i in $DIRLIST ; do $PYTHON -O /usr/lib/$PYTHON/ -q $i; $PYTHON /usr/lib/$PYTHON/ -q $i; done
File: /usr/lib/capisuite/
Hier ist das geänderte File.
File: /usr/lib/capisuite/
# - default script for capisuite # --------------------------------------------- # copyright : (C) 2007 neobiker # # copyright : (C) 2002 by Gernot Hillier # email : # version : $Revision: $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # import os,re,time,pwd,fcntl # capisuite stuff import capisuite,cs_helpers def idle(capi): config=cs_helpers.readConfig() spool=cs_helpers.getOption(config,"","spool_dir") if (spool==None): capisuite.error("global option spool_dir not found.") return done=os.path.join(spool,"done")+"/" failed=os.path.join(spool,"failed")+"/" if (not os.access(done,os.W_OK) or not os.access(failed,os.W_OK)): capisuite.error("Can't read/write to the necessary spool dirs") return userlist=config.sections() userlist.remove('GLOBAL') for user in userlist: # search in all user-specified sendq's # skip none user sections if not config.has_option(user,'voice_numbers'): break userdata=pwd.getpwnam(user) outgoing_nr=cs_helpers.getOption(config,user,"outgoing_MSN","") if (outgoing_nr==""): incoming_nrs=cs_helpers.getOption(config,user,"fax_numbers","") if (incoming_nrs==""): continue else: outgoing_nr=(incoming_nrs.split(','))[0] udir=cs_helpers.getOption(config,"","fax_user_dir") if (udir==None): capisuite.error("global option fax_user_dir not found.") return udir=os.path.join(udir,user)+"/" sendq=os.path.join(udir,"sendq")+"/" if (not os.access(udir,os.F_OK)): os.mkdir(udir,0700) os.chown(udir,userdata[2],userdata[3]) if (not os.access(sendq,os.F_OK)): os.mkdir(sendq,0700) os.chown(sendq,userdata[2],userdata[3]) files=os.listdir(sendq) files=filter (lambda s: re.match("fax-.*\.txt",s),files) for job in files: job_fax=job[:-3]+"sff" real_user_c=os.stat(sendq+job).st_uid real_user_j=os.stat(sendq+job_fax).st_uid if (real_user_j!=pwd.getpwnam(user)[2] or real_user_c!=pwd.getpwnam(user)[2]): capisuite.error("job "+sendq+job_fax+" seems to be manipulated (wrong uid)! Ignoring...") continue lockfile=open(sendq+job[:-3]+"lock","w") # read directory contents fcntl.lockf(lockfile,fcntl.LOCK_EX) # lock so that it isn't deleted while sending if (not os.access(sendq+job,os.W_OK)): # perhaps it was cancelled? fcntl.lockf(lockfile,fcntl.LOCK_UN) lockfile.close() os.unlink(sendq+job[:-3]+"lock") continue control=cs_helpers.readConfig(sendq+job) # set DST value to -1 (unknown), as strptime sets it wrong for some reason starttime=(time.strptime(control.get("GLOBAL","starttime")))[0:8]+(-1,) starttime=time.mktime(starttime) if (starttime>time.time()): fcntl.lockf(lockfile,fcntl.LOCK_UN) lockfile.close() os.unlink(sendq+job[:-3]+"lock") continue tries=control.getint("GLOBAL","tries") dialstring=control.get("GLOBAL","dialstring") addressee=cs_helpers.getOption(control,"GLOBAL","addressee","") subject=cs_helpers.getOption(control,"GLOBAL","subject","") mailaddress=cs_helpers.getOption(config,user,"fax_email","") if (mailaddress==""): mailaddress=user fromaddress=cs_helpers.getOption(config,user,"fax_email_from","") if (fromaddress==""): fromaddress=user capisuite.log("job "+job_fax+" from "+user+" to "+dialstring+" initiated",1) result,resultB3 = sendfax(capi,sendq+job_fax,outgoing_nr,dialstring,user,config) tries+=1 capisuite.log("job "+job_fax+": result was %x,%x" % (result,resultB3),1) if (result in (0,0x3400,0x3480,0x3490,0x349f) and resultB3==0): movejob(job_fax,sendq,done,user) capisuite.log("job "+job_fax+": finished successfully",1) mailtext="Your fax job to "+addressee+" ("+dialstring+") was sent successfully.\n\n" \ +"Subject: "+subject+"\nFilename: "+job_fax \ +"\nNeeded tries: "+str(tries) \ +("\nLast result: 0x%x/0x%x" % (result,resultB3)) \ +"\n\nIt was moved to file://"+done+user+"-"+job_fax cs_helpers.sendSimpleMail(fromaddress,mailaddress, "Fax to "+addressee+" ("+dialstring+") sent successfully.", mailtext) else: max_tries=int(cs_helpers.getOption(config,"","send_tries","10")) delays=cs_helpers.getOption(config,"","send_delays","60,60,60,300,300,3600,3600,18000,36000").split(",") delays=map(int,delays) if ((tries-1)<len(delays)): next_delay=delays[tries-1] else: next_delay=delays[-1] starttime=time.time()+next_delay capisuite.log("job "+job_fax+": delayed for "+str(next_delay)+" seconds",2) cs_helpers.writeDescription(sendq+job_fax,"dialstring=\""+dialstring+"\"\n" +"starttime=\""+time.ctime(starttime)+"\"\ntries=\""+str(tries)+"\"\n" +"user=\""+user+"\"\naddressee=\""+addressee+"\"\nsubject=\""+subject+"\"\n") if (tries>=max_tries): movejob(job_fax,sendq,failed,user) capisuite.log("job "+job_fax+": failed finally",1) mailtext="I'm sorry, but your fax job to "+addressee+" ("+dialstring \ +") failed finally.\n\nSubject: "+subject \ +"\nFilename: "+job_fax+"\nTries: "+str(tries) \ +"\nLast result: 0x%x/0x%x" % (result,resultB3) \ +"\n\nIt was moved to file://"+failed+user+"-"+job_fax cs_helpers.sendSimpleMail(fromaddress,mailaddress, "Fax to "+addressee+" ("+dialstring+") FAILED.", mailtext) fcntl.lockf(lockfile,fcntl.LOCK_UN) lockfile.close() os.unlink(sendq+job[:-3]+"lock") def sendfax(capi,job,outgoing_nr,dialstring,user,config): try: controller=int(cs_helpers.getOption(config,"","send_controller","1")) timeout=int(cs_helpers.getOption(config,user,"outgoing_timeout","60")) stationID=cs_helpers.getOption(config,user,"fax_stationID") if (stationID==None): capisuite.error("Warning: fax_stationID for user "+user+" not set") stationID="" headline=cs_helpers.getOption(config,user,"fax_headline","") (call,result)=capisuite.call_faxG3(capi,controller,outgoing_nr,dialstring,timeout,stationID,headline) if (result!=0): return(result,0) capisuite.fax_send(call,job) return(capisuite.disconnect(call)) except capisuite.CallGoneError: return(capisuite.disconnect(call)) def movejob(job,olddir,newdir,user): os.rename(olddir+job,newdir+user+"-"+job) os.rename(olddir+job[:-3]+"txt",newdir+user+"-"+job[:-3]+"txt") # # History: # # $Log:,v $ # Revision 2004/01/10 07:56:27 gernot # - fax_numbers is really allowed to miss now (taken from MAIN, 1.11)... # # Revision 2003/09/21 12:35:20 gernot # - add 0x349f to list of normal results # # Revision 1.8 2003/06/26 11:53:17 gernot # - fax jobs can be given an addressee and a subject now (resolves #18, reported # by Achim Bohnet) # # Revision 1.7 2003/06/19 14:58:43 gernot # - fax_numbers is now really optional (bug #23) # - tries counter was wrongly reported (bug #29) # # Revision 1.6 2003/04/06 11:07:40 gernot # - fix for 1-hour-delayed sending of fax (DST problem) # # Revision 1.5 2003/03/20 09:12:42 gernot # - error checking for reading of configuration improved, many options got # optional, others produce senseful error messages now if not found, # fixes bug# 531, thx to Dieter Pelzel for reporting # # Revision 1.4 2003/03/13 11:09:58 gernot # - use stricted permissions for saved files and created userdirs. Fixes # bug #544 # # Revision 1.3 2003/03/09 11:48:10 gernot # - removed wrong unlock operation (lock not acquired at this moment!) # # Revision 1.2 2003/03/06 09:59:11 gernot # - added "file://" as prefix to filenames in sent mails, thx to # Achim Bohnet for this suggestion # # Revision 2003/02/19 08:19:54 gernot # initial checkin of 0.4 # # Revision 1.12 2003/02/18 09:54:22 ghillie # - added missing lockfile deletions, corrected locking protocol # -> fixes Bugzilla 23731 # # Revision 1.11 2003/02/17 16:48:43 ghillie # - do locking, so that jobs can be deleted # # Revision 1.10 2003/02/10 14:50:52 ghillie # - revert logic of outgoing_MSN: it's overriding the first number of # fax_numbers now # # Revision 1.9 2003/02/05 15:59:11 ghillie # - search for *.txt instead of *.sff so no *.sff which is currently created # by capisuitefax will be found! # # Revision 1.8 2003/01/31 11:22:00 ghillie # - use different sendq's for each user (in his user_dir). # - use prefix user- for names in done and failed # # Revision 1.7 2003/01/27 21:56:46 ghillie # - mailaddress may be not set, that's the same as "" # - use first entry of fax_numbers as outgoing MSN if it exists # # Revision 1.6 2003/01/27 19:24:29 ghillie # - updated to use new configuration files for fax & answering machine # # Revision 1.5 2003/01/19 12:03:27 ghillie # - use capisuite log functions instead of stdout/stderr # # Revision 1.4 2003/01/17 15:09:26 ghillie # - updated to use new configuration file capisuite-script.conf # # Revision 1.3 2003/01/13 16:12:00 ghillie # - renamed from idle.pyin to as all previously processed variables # stay in the config file and cs_helpers.pyin now # # Revision 1.2 2002/12/16 13:07:22 ghillie # - finished queue processing # # Revision 1.1 2002/12/14 13:53:19 ghillie # - and are now auto-created from *.pyin #